
  • CPUSA call: Oust the GOP in 2006!

    CPUSA call: Oust the GOP in 2006!

    March 10, 2006

    NEW YORK — Leaders of the Communist Party USA, meeting here March 4-5, warned that the Bush administration, aided and abetted by the Republican-majority Congress, has plunged the nation into the “worst constitutional crisis since the...

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  • Huge protests greet Bush in India

    Huge protests greet Bush in India

    March 10, 2006

    WASHINGTON — Pundits opined that India is the one place in the world George W. Bush would be “warmly welcomed.” And he was, by huge throngs of Indian protesters demonstrating against his policies of war and...

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  • S. Dakota passes anti-woman law: Anti-abortion bill hurts poor, part of wider attack on women

    S. Dakota passes anti-woman law: Anti-abortion bill hurts poor, part of wider attack on women

    March 10, 2006 By Susan Webb

    South Dakota’s Republican Gov. Mike Rounds set the stage for an epic women’s rights battle when he signed a state law March 6 making all abortions a crime, including in cases of rape, incest and situations...

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  • 98.6  a healthy number

    98.6 a healthy number

    March 3, 2006

    Ninety-eight point six is a symbol of good health and that’s the percent of members of Change to Win unions in California whose locals have submitted solidarity charters and are now considered full members of the...

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  • St. Louis protesters challenge anti-gay conference

    St. Louis protesters challenge anti-gay conference

    March 3, 2006

    ST. LOUIS — Over 350 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists, community allies and friends protested outside of an anti-gay conference here Feb. 25. The conference, called “Love Won Out,” was sponsored by Focus on...

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