
  • Editorials


    July 2, 2004

    Stop Bush’s hidden draft The Pentagon plans to call up 5,600 retired or discharged soldiers, members of a group of 117,000 so-called “ready reserves.” This comes on top of the so-called “stop loss” policy, which has...

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  • Court voids presidents power grab

    Court voids presidents power grab

    July 2, 2004

    Defenders of the Bill of Rights greeted two decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court June 28 sharply rebuffing George W. Bush’s claim of sweeping powers to detain U.S. citizens and foreigners indefinitely, without criminal charges, in...

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  • Unions slam war, call for Bush ouster

    Unions slam war, call for Bush ouster

    July 2, 2004

    SAN FRANCISCO – Delegates to conventions of two of the nation’s largest unions last week cheered as their leaders blasted George W. Bush for lying to justify war on Iraq and for torture of Iraqi detainees....

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  • Letters


    June 25, 2004

    Shame at Abu Ghraib Over a thousand people have been released from the Abu Ghraib prison. If these prisoners were guilty, then why were they set free? If they were innocent, then why were they detained...

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  • Editorials


    June 25, 2004

    Solidarity with federal workers About 1,000 American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) leaders are gathering in Pittsburgh June 25-27 for a “Victory in ’04” conference to mobilize the union’s 600,000 members to defeat George W. Bush...

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