
  • Liar, liar

    Liar, liar

    June 25, 2004 By Susan Webb

    In a devastating blow to George W. Bush’s most powerful rationale for the invasion of Iraq, the bipartisan September 11th commission found no link between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attacks, and no evidence of collaboration...

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  • Texas parties map out divergent views

    Texas parties map out divergent views

    June 25, 2004

    DALLAS – The Texas ballot was legally set when the state’s Democrats completed their convention in Houston June 19. The Democrats in Houston and the Republicans in San Antonio two weeks earlier created greatly contrasting platforms....

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  • Ohio unionists rev up to defeat Bush

    Ohio unionists rev up to defeat Bush

    June 18, 2004

    CLEVELAND – In this city’s “labor walk,” 326 union members from 20 unions went door to door, talking to other union members in their homes June 12. It was a great success. They were warmly greeted...

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  • Letters


    June 18, 2004

    It’s a necessity This morning I had another experience that reinforced my conviction that multilingualism is a practical necessity for the survival of democracy in our country. Anxious to find out about a demonstration against immigration...

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  • Editorials


    June 18, 2004

    Bush’s budget plans Gerald McEntee, president of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, spoke for millions when he called George W. Bush’s money plan for fiscal year 2005 a “budget of mass destruction.”...

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