MOVIE REVIEW: Why we fight
March 17, 2006It is a truism that knowledge is power. It is also true that ruling classes seek to hoard knowledge and use mass media to distribute propaganda. Not all propaganda though is disconnected from real knowledge.
Read moreThe Republicans and the Black clergy
March 17, 2006In the early months of 2004 I read the Black Commentator’s analysis of the corporate-Republican campaign to create the perception of an alternative, conservative Black leadership. At first I thought this laughable. But such a campaign...
Read moreShine a spotlight on Iraq war profiteers
March 17, 2006War profiteering has always ranked as the most obscene form of capitalist appropriation, soaked in the gore of the dead and wounded. Financier J.P. Morgan purchased defective rifles from a U.S. arsenal for $3.50 apiece and...
Read moreEquality, or not: Threat of two-tier workforce is fault line of U.S. immigration policies
March 17, 2006Equality has become an unmentionable word in Congress. It doesn’t come even once in the 300-page omnibus immigration bill introduced last week by Senator Arlen Specter, nor in any of the others Congress is considering. They...
March 17, 2006Oakland teachers rally As the teachers union prepared to resume contract talks in its 20-month dispute with the Oakland Unified School District, parents, community supporters and San Francisco educators rallied with over 500 Oakland teachers and...
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