
  • Letters


    May 14, 2004

    Bush and Hussein George W. Bush says he was justified to invade Iraq and overthrow the villainous dictator Saddam Hussein. Bush claims he was justified regardless of the fact that no weapons of mass destruction have...

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  • Editorials


    May 14, 2004

    Gruesome days The gruesome video of the beheading of Nick Berg by alleged Islamic terrorists proves that the antiwar movement was accurate in warning that George W. Bush’s war on Iraq would breed more violence, hatred,...

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  • Bushs hidden attack on public education

    Bushs hidden attack on public education

    May 14, 2004

    PHILADELPHIA – This year marks the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education – a historic civil rights legal case that declared Jim Crow segregated schools for African American children were a violation of the...

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  • Texas govt gets nastier

    Texas govt gets nastier

    May 14, 2004

    DALLAS – Texas government, gripped in the talons of right-wingers since before the rest of the nation ever heard of George W. Bush, has gone from dirty politics to downright nasty. Consider the following: • The...

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  • Walk of Shame targets enemies of health care

    Walk of Shame targets enemies of health care

    May 14, 2004

    Workers’ correspondence Our April 27 “Walk of Shame” targeted the opponents of employer-paid health care, SB 2. This bill, signed by then-Gov. Gray Davis last year, will take effect Jan. 1, 2006. However, our present governor,...

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