
  • National Clips

    National Clips

    March 12, 2004

    ATLANTA: Marchers say ‘Set Marcus free’ Busloads of students from Savannah, Augusta, Columbus and Valdosta joined marchers from Atlanta University and linked arms with 200 residents from Marcus Dixon’s hometown of Rome, Ga., to demand that...

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  • Gay marriage debate rages in states

    Gay marriage debate rages in states

    March 12, 2004

    While same-sex couples line up at city halls across the country in hopes of being married, sometimes defending their right to do so by demonstrating in the streets, the debate over gay marriage rages on in...

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  • Baltimore: Fund schools, not war

    Baltimore: Fund schools, not war

    March 12, 2004

    BALTIMORE – Hundreds of public school students rallied at City Hall here March 9 and marched to the nearby Maryland State Department of Education chanting “Books not bombs” and “Education not incarceration.” The protest was part...

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  • Campuses ring out: Books not Bombs

    Campuses ring out: Books not Bombs

    March 12, 2004

    “Youth and students are going on the offensive,” said Jason Fults, a student organizer for the March 4 nationwide “Books Not Bombs” Day of Action. “We are going to fight back against the rollbacks, fight back...

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  • Rally denounces White House role in Haiti coup

    Rally denounces White House role in Haiti coup

    March 12, 2004

    WASHINGTON – Protesters rallied in front of the White House, March 6, chanting “U.S. out of Haiti, Aristide in” and holding placards proclaiming, “End the U.S. coup in Haiti!” Haitian American Marx Aristide, a leader of...

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