
  • Bushs war on travel to Cuba

    Bushs war on travel to Cuba

    March 5, 2004

    Opinion The Bush administration has gone out of its way to make visiting Cuba almost impossible. Last May, the Treasury Department announced that it was scrapping the people-to-people travel program put in place under the Clinton...

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  • Naders disastrous decision to run in 2004

    Naders disastrous decision to run in 2004

    March 5, 2004

    Opinion As someone who voted for Ralph Nader twice for president, the second time in 2000 against the advice of friends and comrades, I am saddened and angered by his decision to run for president in...

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  • Letters


    March 5, 2004

    The importance of reparations The importance of building a new Civil Rights Movement in 21st century America should not be overlooked. We should learn from the African American liberation movements of the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s...

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  • Editorials


    March 5, 2004

    Women of the world, unite! International Women’s Day is March 8. Recognized throughout the world, International Women’s Day gave birth to Women’s History Month, a more widely celebrated event here in the U.S. Like May Day,...

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  • U.S. military bases cast shadow across Japan

    U.S. military bases cast shadow across Japan

    March 5, 2004

    ATAMI, Japan – Muneyoshi Furugen has lived in the shadow of the U.S. bases on Okinawa all of his life. He speaks in a calm and deliberate manner with a small smile. Yet underneath, when he...

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