
  • Marching to Miami: Stop the FTAA!

    Marching to Miami: Stop the FTAA!

    October 24, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – As far as working families are concerned, nothing good came out of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Economic Policy Institute estimates that NAFTA has cost 765,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs since 1993....

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  • $87 billion for war: senseless & reckless

    $87 billion for war: senseless & reckless

    October 24, 2003

    Congress voted to approve the Bush administration’s $87 billion package for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, but not without vocal and sometimes vehement opposition by lawmakers and peace activists. Mindful of the costs...

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  • In whose interests does Bush act?

    In whose interests does Bush act?

    October 23, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    On Sept. 9 the front page of the Wall Street Journal headlined an article, “U.S. opposes EU effort to test chemicals for health hazards.”

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  • Philly to vote on health care

    Philly to vote on health care

    October 23, 2003

    Philadelphia, Pa. – The Nov. 4 election will provide Philadelphians the opportunity to change the city’s Home Rule Charter so that the Department of Health is directed to develop a plan for universal health care coverage...

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  • Poll: Public supports health care for all

    Poll: Public supports health care for all

    October 23, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    WASHINGTON – An ABC News-Washington Post poll released Oct. 19 says the public’s growing anger with the current health care system has built support for a new approach that would guarantee care for all.

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