
  • Rebellion in Bolivia ousts president

    Rebellion in Bolivia ousts president

    October 23, 2003

    Tens of thousands of Bolivian workers, peasants, indigenous people, and students flooded the streets of La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, last week in celebration of the ouster of former President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada. They lost no...

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  • S.F. Labor urges AFL-CIO to speak out on Iraq

    S.F. Labor urges AFL-CIO to speak out on Iraq

    October 23, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    A resolution adopted by the San Francisco Labor Council calls upon the “House of Labor” to oppose “the foreign policy disasters led by the most right-wing president in memory.”

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  • U of M clerical workers strike

    U of M clerical workers strike

    October 23, 2003

    MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Eighteen hundred clerical employees of the University of Minnesota, members of American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 3800 at the Minneapolis, Duluth, Morris, and Crookston campuses, went out strike on...

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  • New rights bill for immigrant farmworkers

    New rights bill for immigrant farmworkers

    October 23, 2003

    While 900 immigrants and their supporters were making their way through the United States towards Washington and New York, a bill was being filed in Congress that would legalize the immigration status of undocumented farm workers....

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    October 23, 2003

    PHOENIX: Defending labor’s rights at America West Airlines When pilots, flight attendants, mechanics and other workers at America West Airlines (AWA) agreed to concessions following Sept. 11, 2001, they thought they were saving their jobs and...

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