
  • Protests follow Bush to Milwaukee

    Protests follow Bush to Milwaukee

    October 9, 2003

    MILWAUKEE – Huddled under rainhoods and umbrellas beneath the cold October rain, several hundred assembled here on a dead-end street a few hundred yards outside the Italian Community Center to express their outrage at George Bush....

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  • Chicago: largest city to reject Patriot Act

    Chicago: largest city to reject Patriot Act

    October 9, 2003

    CHICAGO – The Chicago City Council overwhelmingly passed a resolution Oct. 1 denouncing the USA Patriot Act and calling for the repeal of those parts of it that violate the U.S. Constitution. Chicago thus becomes the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    October 9, 2003

    Cuba: U.S. charges of bioterrorism a ‘lie’ Cuba’s Foreign Ministry has denounced the resurrection of discredited U.S. claims, originally made last year, that Cuba is developing biological weapons. Such charges constitute a “cynical lie,” the Foreign...

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  • Israel attacks Syria, vows more strikes

    Israel attacks Syria, vows more strikes

    October 9, 2003

    Taking a page from the “preemptive warfare” book of the Bush administration, the Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon brazenly sent warplanes to bomb what it called a “Palestinian militant training camp” deep inside Syrian...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    October 9, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Labor/community coalition wins living wage It took four years of hard, smart work to produce a 6-2 vote by the Sacramento City Council approving a living wage ordinance, Sept. 30. Sacramento is the 18th...

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