
  • Editorials


    October 3, 2003

    No on recall, no on Prop. 54 Californians will go to the polls Oct. 7 and be asked whether or not Gov. Gray Davis should be recalled and, in the case of Proposition 54, whether the...

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  • A Freedom Riders journal: Solidarity saved us

    A Freedom Riders journal: Solidarity saved us

    October 3, 2003

    Kat Rodriguez, coordinating organizer with Derechos Humanos, a human rights organization, joined one of the Los Angeles Freedom Ride buses in Tucson, Ariz. Here she shares excerpts from her on-the-road journal with PWW readers. At press...

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  • Death on the border: Autumn brings no respite on desert

    Death on the border: Autumn brings no respite on desert

    October 3, 2003 By Carolyn Trowbridge

    Tuesday was the first day of autumn. Even in the sun-baked Southwest, this signals a weather change. The days are still killing hot – daytime temperature on the floor of the desert can still reach 190...

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  • Hoosiers support national health care bill

    Hoosiers support national health care bill

    October 3, 2003

    GARY, Ind. – “No more Band-Aids!” was the opening theme of a Forum on the Health Care Crisis held here Sept. 13. By the end of the forum, the theme had expanded to “Everybody in, nobody...

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  • Undocumented workers give more than they get

    Undocumented workers give more than they get

    October 3, 2003 By David Bacon

    The Urban Institute estimated in its May 1994 report, “Immigration and Immigrants, Setting the Record Straight,” that the undocumented population of the U.S stood between 2.5 and 3.5 million people in 1980, and rose to between...

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