
  • Grassroots mobilizes to defeat recall

    Grassroots mobilizes to defeat recall

    October 2, 2003

    LOS ANGELES – Imelda Ramos just became a citizen. She will be casting her first vote on Oct. 7. She told this reporter she will be voting against the recall of Gov. Gray Davis and will...

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  • When it rains it pours! The Bush administration takes a nosedive

    When it rains it pours! The Bush administration takes a nosedive

    October 2, 2003

    After two years of over-the-top ratings, the public standing of the Bush administration has taken a sudden nosedive, according to any number of recent polls. Bush’s handlers are saying this was expected; that some downward correction...

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  • Wisconsin readers reach $3,500 goal

    Wisconsin readers reach $3,500 goal

    October 2, 2003

    With a $170 donation from longtime People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo supporter John Gilman last week, Wisconsin World/Mundo readers reached their goal of raising $3,500 for the newspaper’s 2003 Fund Drive. With the help of the Wisconsin...

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  • Culture or clutter? Dont Pick up da phone

    Culture or clutter? Dont Pick up da phone

    September 26, 2003

    If we act fast we can get 1,000 anytime minutes for only $30 a month. Now we can all afford to talk to anyone anywhere anytime. We can even talk while listening to the newest hip-hoppin’...

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  • The weeks baseball wind-ups

    The weeks baseball wind-ups

    September 26, 2003 By Chas Walker

    The Thrill and the Agony With six games to play in the regular season, only two teams have clinched their division titles:

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