
  • Ohio outrage: Retirees shafted

    Ohio outrage: Retirees shafted

    March 26, 2004

    Weirton Steel Corp. announced this week that it would cut off health care benefits for its 10,000 retirees effective April 1. The Steubenville, Ohio-based company had petitioned the bankruptcy court to void its union contract with...

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  • White House insider says Bush lied

    White House insider says Bush lied

    March 26, 2004 By Susan Webb

    In explosive revelations this week, former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke charged that the Bush administration had little interest in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks except for how they could be used to promote war...

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  • Dallas takes a stand for civil liberties

    Dallas takes a stand for civil liberties

    March 19, 2004

    DALLAS – The Dallas City Council passed a resolution Feb. 25 condemning parts of the USA Patriot Act. The vote was the climax of more than two years of hard lobbying by Attorney Chip Pitts, the...

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  • The making of a conscientious objector

    The making of a conscientious objector

    March 19, 2004

    OpinionStaff Sgt. Camilo Mejia, 28, of Miami, joined the Army in 1995. Following a three-year hitch with the Army, he joined the Florida National Guard partly because he was promised college tuition assistance. Mejia had moved...

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  • Taking on the Vietnam syndrome lie

    Taking on the Vietnam syndrome lie

    March 19, 2004

    Opinion The Vietnam War ended in 1975. But, judging by the e-mail I got recently denouncing John Kerry’s role in Vietnam Veterans Against the War and even dredging up Jane Fonda (the “Hanoi Jane” of right-wing...

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