
  • Soldier misses Texas

    Soldier misses Texas

    August 7, 2003

    In North Texas, we worry about Sal, our soldier friend in Iraq. So far the silent periods haven’t meant any of the horrible things we imagined, and we got another message from him last week. I...

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  • Verizon talks continue

    Verizon talks continue

    August 7, 2003

    As of this writing negotiations are continuing between the Communications Workers of America (CWA), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and Verizon Communications management. Local and regional contracts covering some 78,000 telephone workers expired at midnight...

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  • Venezuelas revolution improves economy

    Venezuelas revolution improves economy

    August 7, 2003 By Greg Godwin

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is an advocate for the poor and working people, enjoying the votes of over half of his countrymen and women in every election. This infuriates the wealthy and powerful in Caracas and...

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  • Tucson to welcome Freedom Riders

    Tucson to welcome Freedom Riders

    August 7, 2003

    A broad coalition of labor, immigrant rights, and faith-based organizations is coming together to plan a grand welcome for the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride when it reaches Tucson on Sept. 24. Support for the action has...

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  • Rally at Cintas supports workers rights

    Rally at Cintas supports workers rights

    August 7, 2003

    BRANFORD, Conn. – Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro often speaks about growing up when her mother worked in a sweatshop, bent over her sewing machine. But on July 29, standing on the platform of the Teamsters’ truck outside...

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