
  • Vietnams socialist market economy

    Vietnams socialist market economy

    July 18, 2003 By Erwin Marquit

    Vietnam shifted to a socialist market economy in 1986 after failing to meet economic output targets of its five-year plans. Similar problems began to appear in the mid-1970s in the USSR and European socialist countries. Under...

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  • Landslide victory for Head Start workers

    Landslide victory for Head Start workers

    July 18, 2003

    Union density for Head Start workers in San Diego County reached 100 percent when 186 workers at Episcopal Community Services (ECS) Head Start recently voted 168-7 for Service Employees International Union Local 2028. Now employees will...

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  • Organizing at America West

    Organizing at America West

    July 18, 2003

    Chara, from Tucson, Ariz., sends the following report about the organizing campaign of customer service representatives (CSRs) at America West Airlines. I am a CSR of 19 years, and I am an organizer. This is the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    July 18, 2003

    Kenya: ‘Bush seriously out of touch’ President Bush’s African visit “dramatizes that Mr. Bush, and perhaps the U.S., is seriously out of touch with what Africa thinks of its problems and how it proposes to solve...

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  • U.S. sets up Iraqi governing council

    U.S. sets up Iraqi governing council

    July 18, 2003 By Susan Webb

    News Analysis Reversing its previous refusal to cede any power to Iraqi groups, the U.S. – with its imperial occupation of Iraq going very badly – has now acceded to the formation of an Iraqi “governing...

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