
  • Demands for Barghoutis release grows

    Demands for Barghoutis release grows

    July 18, 2003

    Demands are growing to release Palestinian legislator Marwan Barghouti, and some 6,500 other Palestinian prisoners, as part of the “road map” peace negotiations. Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas warned that without a large-scale prisoner release, the...

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  • Coup supporter shuts down community TV

    Coup supporter shuts down community TV

    July 18, 2003

    Catia TV – Venezuela’s longest-running community television station – was shut down last week by Caracas Mayor Alfredo Peña. Peña was one of the chief supporters of the failed April 2002 coup d’etat against democratically-elected Venezuelan...

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  • Soldier doesnt like Iraq War either

    Soldier doesnt like Iraq War either

    July 18, 2003

    Before he was sent to the Middle East, a young soldier from Texas began corresponding by e-mail with some of us in Dallas. His view of the war and army life was considerably different from what...

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  • Cuba-bound caravan gets Wisconsin welcome

    Cuba-bound caravan gets Wisconsin welcome

    July 18, 2003

    MILWAUKEE, Wis. – The Milwaukee Committee to Normalize Relations with Cuba brought together members of Central United Methodist Church, solidarity activists, Cuban Americans, members of the Committee to Free the Cuban Five, and a contingent of...

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  • Cuban and U.S. youth to exchange views

    Cuban and U.S. youth to exchange views

    July 18, 2003

    On July 23 over 250 young people participating in the 3rd U.S.-Cuba Youth Exchange will begin their nine-day trip to Cuba, where they will meet Cuban youth and students and discuss many of the pressing issues...

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