
  • Movie Review: Capitalisms victims

    Movie Review: Capitalisms victims

    July 4, 2003

    Movie Review: Capitalism’s victims Lilya 4-ever, dir. Lukas Moodysson Lilya 4-ever is a heart-wrenching story. It is a film about abandonment and the betrayal of trust by individuals and government leaders promising a better world. Enter...

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  • Letters


    July 4, 2003

    We were right We said, “No blood for oil,” and they said, “A little blood for a lot of oil.” No, it’s a lot of blood for maybe no oil at all. We were right. Bring...

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  • Editorials


    July 4, 2003

    Secrets and lies In his State of the Union speech, President Bush said Saddam Hussein bought significant quantities of uranium from Niger. Not so, says Ray McGovern, a CIA analyst who reported to senior policymakers during...

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  • The power behind the tax cuts

    The power behind the tax cuts

    July 4, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    In a brief period of two years, the right wing ideologues who control the federal government have been able to ram trillion-dollar tax cuts through Congress in 2001 and again in 2003, reduced a budget surplus...

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  • Lorenzo and Anita Torrez honored at CPUSA meeting

    Lorenzo and Anita Torrez honored at CPUSA meeting

    July 4, 2003

    In an emotional program that frequently brought audience members to their feet and provoked shouts of “Si, se puede!”, Anita and Lorenzo Torrez, two participants in the historic filming of Salt of the Earth, were honored...

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