
  • Israeli ‘refuseniks’ go to trial

    Israeli ‘refuseniks’ go to trial

    July 4, 2003

    TEL-AVIV – The court room at the central military court here was packed with families, friends and others in solidarity with the five conscientious objectors, who had been dragged to stand trial on June 24. But...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    July 4, 2003

    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.: Celebration for gay rights and peace Over 750,000 people with 180 floats and bands jammed the streets behind banners calling for peace, gay rights, health care, and the impeachment of President George Bush...

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  • Texans fight partisan battle

    Texans fight partisan battle

    July 4, 2003

    When Texas Governor G.W. Bush ran for president, he claimed that he had brought bipartisan cooperation to state government. But as soon as Bush’s party took control ofboth houses of the state legislature and the governor’s...

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  • Teamsters join Seamsters to clean up laundry

    Teamsters join Seamsters to clean up laundry

    July 4, 2003

    Forming a landmark partnership, two international unions, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees) announced a joint effort to bring safe working conditions, dignity, and a decent standard of...

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  • Detroit Walk to Freedom

    Detroit Walk to Freedom

    July 4, 2003

    DETROIT – Several thousand people marched in downtown Detroit on June 28 to commemorate “The Walk to Freedom” march held in July of 1963. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, led the first march in anticipation of...

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