
  • UMWA: Coal dust testing changes monstrous

    UMWA: Coal dust testing changes monstrous

    May 16, 2003

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Although they get the headlines and the TV crews, coal mine explosions and cave-ins have not been the leading cause of death of coal miners for 50 years. Black lung, a disease that...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    May 16, 2003

    MIAMI, Florida –Save Our Kids from Gov. Bush On Mother’s Day scores of elected officials, community and religious leaders launched a campaign defying Governor Jeb Bush’s Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). The group charges that the...

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  • Protest blasts corporate media

    Protest blasts corporate media

    May 16, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Nearly 300 people protested monopoly control of the media at a rally and march to ABC, NBC and Clear Channel Radio headquarters here on May 12. Sponsored by a coalition of anti-war and grassroots...

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  • Nurses cheer call to oust Bush

    Nurses cheer call to oust Bush

    May 16, 2003

    WASHINGTON – About 500 union nurses, both registered and practical, fanned out on Capitol Hill May 6 to protest the billions in tax cuts George W. Bush and Congress are doling out to the rich while...

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  • Protesters reclaim rights at Oakland docks

    Protesters reclaim rights at Oakland docks

    May 16, 2003

    OAKLAND – Bowing to intense pressure from the community and public officials, Oakland police remained largely on the sidelines as more than a thousand demonstrators, May 12, reasserted their constitutional right to picket at the docks...

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