
  • Changes are happening to your World/Mundo

    Changes are happening to your World/Mundo

    May 16, 2003

    CHICAGO – I was talking to a subscriber today and mentioned that our editorial office – the place where these very pages get put together week-after-week – was moving from New York City to Chicago.

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  • Unemployed to Congress: Give us our jobless pay

    Unemployed to Congress: Give us our jobless pay

    May 16, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Hundreds of jobless workers picketed the Labor Department and then marched to Capitol Hill on May 13 to demand that Congress approve another 26-week extension in unemployment compensation for 4.5 million workers who are...

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  • Texas Democrats defy GOP power grab

    Texas Democrats defy GOP power grab

    May 16, 2003 By Mark Almberg

    ARDMORE, Okla. – The power grab by President George W. Bush, his advisor Karl Rove, and U.S. Majority Leader Tom DeLay to redraw Texas congressional districts in order to send up to seven new right-wing extremists...

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  • Attacks on journalists prompt call for inquiry

    Attacks on journalists prompt call for inquiry

    May 15, 2003

    As Operation Iraqi Freedom shifts to an occupation plan, international concern is being raised over the deaths of journalists in the course of the fighting. A total of 14 international reporters died in Iraq in just...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    May 15, 2003

    Iraq: Agriculture in danger Agriculture in Iraq is on the verge of collapse, raising fears that many of the country’s 24.5 million people will go hungry this summer, the London Observer said this week. The Observer...

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