
  • Oakland to probe police brutality

    Oakland to probe police brutality

    May 7, 2003

    OAKLAND, Calif. – After an outraged cross section of Oakland residents took to the streets on April 26 to protest and then made their case at an emotionally charged hearing, the Oakland City Council voted 7-1...

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  • Capitol Hill rally urges health care for all

    Capitol Hill rally urges health care for all

    May 7, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Spring showers didn’t dampen demonstrators’ spirits in Upper Senate Park April 29 as they gathered to protest the Bush administration’s inaction on the national health care crisis. As the rain fell, the crowd opened...

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  • May Day rally honors peace & labor groups

    May Day rally honors peace & labor groups

    May 7, 2003

    NEW HAVEN – Five peace and labor organizations in Connecticut have been selected to receive People’s Weekly World Newsmaker Awards at an annual May Day rally to be held here on May 4. The groups will...

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  • ILWU: Dump Bush in 2004

    ILWU: Dump Bush in 2004

    May 7, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    SAN FRANCISCO – Delegates to the 32nd Convention of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), celebrated their recent contract victory and targeted the 2004 elections as the next major battle facing their members.

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  • U.S. troops fire on Iraqi demonstrators

    U.S. troops fire on Iraqi demonstrators

    May 7, 2003 By Susan Webb

    U.S. troops killed 15 Iraqis including at least six children and wounded 75 at a rally near Baghdad April 29, and killed another two civilians and wounded 18 the next day during a march of 1,000...

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