
  • What does supporting our troops mean?

    What does supporting our troops mean?

    April 18, 2003

    Opinion Recently there has been a spate of hateful responses to people who expressed opposition to the unjust war in Iraq. Opposition has been equated to not supporting our troops in the field. This is absolutely...

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  • Who was César Chavez?

    Who was César Chavez?

    April 18, 2003

    Opinion “César Chávez? Oh, yeah, wasn’t he a great boxer?” This is an all too common answer to the question, “Who was César Chávez?” César Estrada Chávez was a Mexican American labor leader, civil rights activist...

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  • Might doesnt make right

    Might doesnt make right

    April 18, 2003

    Opinion With U.S. troops seizing control of Baghdad, a triumphant and self-congratulatory mood is enveloping the Bush administration. Bush is aglow as the self-appointed liberator and champion of a democratic Iraq and Middle East while Rumsfeld...

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  • Letters


    April 18, 2003

    21st century propaganda The U.S. military, in collusion with the compliant corporate media, reported that the statue of Saddam Hussein was toppled by Iraqis. No, it wasn’t. The up close documentation of the statue being destroyed...

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  • Editorials


    April 18, 2003

    2004 elections: Key to stopping Bush Drunk with power, the Bush administration is preparing its next steps to rule the world and attack democracy here at home. Turning the world upside down with its most extreme...

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