
  • Wal-Mart  the nations worst workplace bully

    Wal-Mart the nations worst workplace bully

    January 23, 2003

    With $7 billion in profits squeezed from the labor of one million workers at 3,250 stores across the country last year, Wal-Mart deserves its reputation as the nation’s worst “workplace bully.” But the grievances against the...

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  • Venezuelan update

    Venezuelan update

    January 23, 2003

    The problem the Bush administration has with Venezuela’s populist President Hugo Chavez, is his “heretical” views about the disposition of Venezuela’s oil wealth. Chavez believes that oil revenues generated by Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) should benefit...

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  • Sacramento fights school privatization

    Sacramento fights school privatization

    January 23, 2003

    SACRAMENTO – Sacramento High School, which has been in operation since 1856 and is the second-oldest high school west of the Mississippi, is in danger of being closed by the Sacramento City School Board, paving the...

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  • International notes

    International notes

    January 23, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    Europe: Dock strike hits ports / South Africa: Campaign vs. AIDS discrimination / Colombia: Gov’t raids union offices / South Korea: Metal workers protest anti-labor repression / El Salvador: Protest health care privatization

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  • World Social Forum opens: 100,000 say no to war and greed

    World Social Forum opens: 100,000 say no to war and greed

    January 23, 2003 By Susan Webb

    PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil – Under the banner “No to militarization and war: another world is possible,” the World Social Forum, a gigantic meeting of the world’s progressive movements, opened Jan. 23 with a march of up...

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