
  • Letters


    August 16, 2002

    Where’s the threat? President Bush is way out on a limb with his tough warspeak. How can he ever crawl back, after braying so loudly and so long about “changing the regime” in Iraq? Trouble is,...

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  • Editorials


    August 16, 2002

    Rights under attack The American Bar Association has joined growing condemnation of the Bush administration’s secret detention of immigrants since Sept. 11. The ABA said the government should disclose the detainees’ names and where they are...

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  • Bush scuttles medical privacy

    Bush scuttles medical privacy

    August 16, 2002 By Phil E. Benjamin

    If there was ever a question about corporate ownership of the Bush White House, recent actions in regard to the privacy of personal medical data should remove all doubt.

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  • Labor law 101

    Labor law 101

    August 16, 2002 By Fred Gaboury

    The threat by President George Bush to intervene in contract talks between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is a classic example of how U.S. laws governing labor management relations are tilted against workers and...

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  • Commercialism invades Billiken parade

    Commercialism invades Billiken parade

    August 16, 2002

    CHICAGO – Over a million people, despite heat and sun, attended the 73rd annual Bud Billiken Parade here Aug. 10, and millions more watched the nation’s second largest parade on television. Historically, the parade represents a...

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