
  • Letters


    July 19, 2002

    Marx and the U.S. Constitution “...a nationwide survey recently commissioned by Columbia Law School found that almost two-thirds of all Americans think Karl Marx’s… ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,’...

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  • Editorials


    July 19, 2002

    Letter carriers as spies? Soldiers as cops? The Bush administration is moving ahead so fast in its attacks on the Bill of Rights in the name of the “war on terrorism” that it is keeping the...

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  • Letters


    July 12, 2002

    Labor coverage – hooray! The recent stories on the longshoremen and Teamsters have been great. You never see this stuff anywhere else. Keep up the good work. George HendersonMilwaukee WIGreat working-class PR I want to congratulate...

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  • Editorials


    July 12, 2002

    A real solution George W. Bush’s speech on corporate crime was met with widespread skepticism. And no wonder. He’s part and parcel of the crooked get-rich-quick corporate crowd he is now claiming to crack down on....

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  • Letters


    July 4, 2002

    Billions for Star Wars I spent a considerable part of today watching the Senate “debate” the amount of funding for “missile defense” in fiscal year 2003. The Senate is close to approving a $393 billion Defense...

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