
  • Greek protesters bar NATO fleet from port

    Greek protesters bar NATO fleet from port

    February 28, 2003

    Thousands of protesters, organized by the Piraeus committee of the Greek Committee for International Peace and Détente, massed for two days of demonstrations against the presence offshore of the NATO Standing Naval Force of the Mediterranean....

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  • A movement grows  Americans act for peace

    A movement grows Americans act for peace

    February 28, 2003

    Continuing the coverage from last week, here are more reports from Feb. 15 and other peace actions throughout the U.S. SOUTH BEND, Ind.: Civil rights activist leads peace march The Rev. C.T. Vivian, a prominent leader...

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  • March 5 student strike to demand books not bombs

    March 5 student strike to demand books not bombs

    February 28, 2003

    NEW YORK – Under the slogan “Books not bombs,” thousands of students at hundreds of campuses across the country are planning a one-day strike on March 5 to demand better funding for public education and an...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    February 28, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    GREENVILLE, N.C.: Residents fight for holiday The Rev. Jesse Jackson was back in his hometown in February, marching with 500 residents to County Council chambers to declare Jan. 20 a holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King...

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  • Yale workers set to strike

    Yale workers set to strike

    February 28, 2003

    NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Over 5,000 Yale workers are set to strike March 3. That day, they will be joined by a community march and rally led by the Rev. Jesse Jackson. The one-week strike may...

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