
  • Inspectors say: Open U.S. weapons sites, too

    Inspectors say: Open U.S. weapons sites, too

    February 28, 2003

    EDGEWOOD, Md. – A delegation, which included several members of European parliaments, were turned away here Feb. 23 when they attempted to inspect one of the Pentagon’s most notorious chemical and biological weapons (CBW) plants. The...

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  • Professor protests arrest

    Professor protests arrest

    February 28, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    A Florida university professor arrested last week said on Feb. 25 he was being “crucified” by U.S. authorities and vowed to continue a protest hunger strike, Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian born in Kuwait was arrested...

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  • AFL-CIO gears up to dump Bush in 2004

    AFL-CIO gears up to dump Bush in 2004

    February 28, 2003

    HOLLYWOOD, Fla. – In their first meeting since the 2002 elections gave Republicans control of both Houses of Congress, members of the AFL-CIO Executive Council announced a two-year campaign to “put political power back in the...

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  • Hate-talk host hired by MSNBC

    Hate-talk host hired by MSNBC

    February 28, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    The latest hire by the cable news network MSNBC – co-owned by General Electric/NBC and Microsoft – is Michael Savage, a radio talkshow host noted for his unabashed bigotry. Savage is scheduled to have his own...

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  • Coalition cites Bush tax cut

    Coalition cites Bush tax cut

    February 28, 2003

    The Fair Taxes for All Coalition (FTFAC), uniting over 500 grassroots organizations, has launched a petition and direct action campaign demanding that the House and Senate block George W. Bush’s $674 billion tax cut for the...

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