
  • The story behind the Cuban Five

    The story behind the Cuban Five

    February 21, 2003 By Teddy Wood

    Take a glance at any major newspaper and you are likely to read something about terrorist groups based overseas. Perhaps Al Qaida, Hamas, or Black September. You will hear about the appalling actions that they carry...

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  • Why no police action on North Dakota murders?

    Why no police action on North Dakota murders?

    February 21, 2003

    our Native American men – all members of the North Dakota-based Turtle Mountain Chippewa [Ojibway] Nation – have been murdered in and around Grand Forks, N.D., within the last year and a half. There have been...

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  • Letters


    February 21, 2003

    Bush the liar It seems that there are still people out there who have not concluded that everything the president and his pawns (or is it the other way around?) say about anything is a distortion...

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  • Editorials


    February 21, 2003

    The American people are not a ‘focus group’ On Feb. 15-16 a new peace movement was born. A movement that represents the people’s heartfelt concerns that international problems be resolved peacefully, instead of what the Bush...

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  • War or health care?

    War or health care?

    February 21, 2003 By David Lawrence

    Last year, President Bush’s chief economic adviser at the time, Lawrence B. Lindsey, estimated that it would cost $100 billion to $200 billion to wage war against Iraq. Lindsey was subsequently sacked by President Bush because...

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