
  • New Orleans calling!

    New Orleans calling!

    August 27, 2009 By People’s World Editorial Board

    Four years ago a hurricane named Katrina destroyed a great American city named New Orleans.

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  • I remember Ted Kennedy

    I remember Ted Kennedy

    August 26, 2009

    I was a senior at Amherst College in the spring of 1964 when I boarded a chartered bus with my wife Joyce and our son Morgan, then less than six months old, for a trip to...

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  • LETTERS: public option, getting to the roots, Labor Day, film showing

    LETTERS: public option, getting to the roots, Labor Day, film showing

    August 21, 2009

    Public option We need the public option now more than ever. What the Tea Party elderly don’t know is that they are bankrupting government Medicare without some other form of health care reform. The public option...

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  • Fixing busted budgets

    Fixing busted budgets

    August 21, 2009

    In state capitals across the country, the fiscal year began July 1 with financial catastrophe. Summer schools were shut in California, state parks closed in Arizona, drug treatment and home health workers were slashed in Illinois,...

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  • Truth-telling time

    Truth-telling time

    August 21, 2009

    This is truth-telling time in the fight for health care. The voices of the uninsured and underinsured, of those who have insurance but live in fear of losing it, must be heard. The stakes could not...

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