
  • Why is Viagra popular and the condom controversial?

    Why is Viagra popular and the condom controversial?

    August 16, 2009

    BALI, Aug 14 (TerraViva/IPS) - Why is the popular drug Viagra so praised for its virtues, while the condom is vilified by conservative religious groups among others the world over? Both are ‘external’ technological interventions that...

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  • Hiker rescued, hit with whopping bill

    Hiker rescued, hit with whopping bill

    August 16, 2009

    Opinion You are attempting a 17-mile hike on and around Mount Washington in New Hampshire. It’s late April but you face anything but a typical New England spring in the White Mountains. You have to keep...

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  • Whats really behind the death panel scare?

    Whats really behind the death panel scare?

    August 14, 2009

    Telling seniors they will have to appear before “death panels” which will decide whether they live or die is not just another one of the many outrageous lies invented by the right wing. More than just...

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  • EDITORIAL: The good news of Sotomayors confirmation

    EDITORIAL: The good news of Sotomayors confirmation

    August 14, 2009

    The confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor as the first Latina and third woman ever to serve on the U.S. Supreme court should be regarded with a deep sense of satisfaction by all lovers of justice in this...

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  • W.Va environment agency renamed Department of Incompetence

    W.Va environment agency renamed Department of Incompetence

    August 14, 2009 By John Case

    The Coal River area of West Virginia continues to be the focus of the most blatant conflict between environmentalists and the mining industry. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in West Virginia has been owned, more...

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