
  • Newsweeks socialism

    Newsweeks socialism

    February 20, 2009

    Newsweek’s Feb. 16 issue features the provocative cover story, “We are all socialists now.” What a change. After almost two decades of being told, “We are all capitalists,” people who are losing their jobs, their homes...

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  • Black-and-white TV

    Black-and-white TV

    February 20, 2009

    Forty-five short years ago I sat at my TV And in that grainy image, I witnessed tyranny. I saw the dogs and hoses And the men at either end. I was ashamed at what I witnessed...

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  • Che reminds us why we fight

    Che reminds us why we fight

    February 20, 2009

    For months I couldn’t wait to finally see Steven Soderbergh’s four-hour, two-part epic “Che” about the heroic victories and military defeats of revolutionary guerilla fighter Ernesto Guevara. As a youth the iconic image of Che was...

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  • ‘Smoke Signals’ director Chris Eyre finds a new creative outlet

    ‘Smoke Signals’ director Chris Eyre finds a new creative outlet

    February 20, 2009

    Los Angeles, CA - Multi-award winning Native American director/producer Chris Eyre brings an indie director's sensibility to prime time television in the third season of NBC's 'Friday Night Lights.'

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  • Guess what? The New Deal worked!

    Guess what? The New Deal worked!

    February 19, 2009 By Steven Conn

    Since the economic crisis we're now in is being compared to the Great Depression, the solutions being offered are being routinely compared to the New Deal. Republicans in particular have been quick to pronounce the New...

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