
  • Single-payer and the battle for health care

    Single-payer and the battle for health care

    February 18, 2009 By Flavio Casoy

    As the curtains close on an era of reactionary rule by the most right-wing elements of the capitalist ruling class, we progressives must assess what must be done in order to promote an agenda friendly to...

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  • Is a progressive revolution possible?

    Is a progressive revolution possible?

    February 16, 2009 By AFL-CIO Blog

    “American history consists of one long battle between the forces of reaction and the defense of wealth and power, on the one hand, and the forces of progressivism and community, on the other.” That’s the premise...

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  • Honoring Ohio’s unsung heroes of 2008 elections

    Honoring Ohio’s unsung heroes of 2008 elections

    February 14, 2009 By Special to People’s World

    Speaking to scores of activists in labor, community, farm, retiree and other progressive movements at events in three Ohio cities, Sam Webb, national chairman of the Communist Party USA, called for all out grassroots efforts to...

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  • Letters: Deliver mail, not fighter jets and more

    Letters: Deliver mail, not fighter jets and more

    February 14, 2009

    Deliver mail, not fighter jets It’s a shameful indictment of our national priorities that the postmaster general has to squirm before Congress to report that the Post Office is still losing money and may have to...

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  • Peanut butter crisis

    Peanut butter crisis

    February 14, 2009

    Once again the Bush-stacked and -stymied Food and Drug Administration is asleep on the job in its duty to protect the people from poisoned foods and drugs. Salmonella-tainted peanut butter produced by Georgia-based Peanut Corporation of...

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