
  • Iraq-U.S. pact sets end to occupation

    Iraq-U.S. pact sets end to occupation

    November 21, 2008 By Susan Webb

    Iraq’s Parliament is expected to vote Nov. 24 on an Iraq-U.S. agreement that sets a fixed 2011 end-date for withdrawal of all U.S. troops, with no exceptions or extensions.

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  • EDITORIAL: A different Thanksgiving

    EDITORIAL: A different Thanksgiving

    November 21, 2008

    As the U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving this year, the day is passing like many others for billions of people around the world. In India, women with children and husbands (some of whom have already worked themselves to...

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  • EDITORIAL: First YouTube president

    EDITORIAL: First YouTube president

    November 21, 2008

    Over 4 million people are expected to descend on Washington’s Mall in January to celebrate President Obama’s inauguration, in what will surely be the largest gathering in U.S. history. As Obama said on election night: “Change...

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  • LETTERS: November 22

    LETTERS: November 22

    November 21, 2008

    Tues., Nov. 4, 2008 On the night of a beautiful crescent moon Barack Hussein Obama thrust by the unstoppable force of the power of the people to choke the cold nightmare of the last eight years...

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  • IMF at it again

    IMF at it again

    November 21, 2008

    From Frontline, India's national magazine from the publishers of The Hindu. It has been some time now since the International Monetary Fund (IMF) lost its intellectual credibility, especially in the developing world. Its policy prescriptions were...

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