
  • OPINION: Unity needed after Prop. 8

    OPINION: Unity needed after Prop. 8

    November 18, 2008

    The anti-gay-marriage amendment that passed in California, known as Proposition 8, not only took away the right of gays to marry but has also sown distrust and disunity. With the initiative’s stunning 52 percent to 48...

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  • Michelle Obama brings new Everywoman to White House

    Michelle Obama brings new Everywoman to White House

    November 16, 2008

    (WOMENSENEWS)--Is she more Jackie Kennedy or more Hilary Clinton? Is she a feminist or isn't she? Will she have an agenda of her own or champion causes identified by her husband on the campaign trail? Will...

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  • Inject people’s demands into economy, not just liquidity

    Inject people’s demands into economy, not just liquidity

    November 16, 2008

    Original source: People's Democracy Discussions of the current world economic crisis tend to focus exclusively on the bursting of the housing bubble in the United States. This no doubt is the immediate cause of the crisis,...

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  • The media’s Minnesota debacle

    The media’s Minnesota debacle

    November 15, 2008 By Jamison Foser

    With only about 200 votes out of nearly 3 million cast separating Minnesota Sen. Norm Coleman and his Democratic challenger, Al Franken, the race is headed to a recount.

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  • Letters: November 15, 2008

    Letters: November 15, 2008

    November 14, 2008

    Spartacus Just coincidentally, I had rented the DVD “Spartacus” from Netflix two weeks before the interview with Kirk Douglas reprinted in the People’s Weekly World (10/25-31). Aside from the wonderful articulation on the subject of the...

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