
  • EDITORIAL: Marx was right

    EDITORIAL: Marx was right

    October 18, 2008

    It was only yesterday that “free market” ideologues were dancing on Karl Marx’s grave with scornful shouts that “greed is good” and “TINA” — “there is no alternative” to capitalism. These fat men guffawed contemptuously at...

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  • Nationalize banks, employ unemployed

    Nationalize banks, employ unemployed

    October 17, 2008 By John Case

    Last week the major economies of the world, including the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, China, Russia and Brazil carried out an unprecedented and coordinated reduction of interest rates. The effort itself was not immediately...

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  • Editorial: Talking about race

    Editorial: Talking about race

    October 10, 2008

    Two conversations about race are taking place in our country. One is reviving the ugly past. The other is looking to a brighter future. Stirring a lynch-mob atmosphere reminiscent of the worst in our nation’s history,...

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  • Letters: October 11

    Letters: October 11

    October 10, 2008

    Taking issue I am insulted by Bruce Bostick’s article “Unity — the only road to victory” (PWW 9/20-26). He insults third parties and their supporters as having “no understanding” of the corporate power around Bush/McCain and...

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  • The Great Election Swindle

    The Great Election Swindle

    October 10, 2008

    “The Great Rock and Roll Swindle,” a movie that is alleged to be the true story of the ’70s punk rock band the Sex Pistols, tells a tale of how Malcolm McLaren, the band’s founder and...

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