
  • Katrina  oil companies are the real looters

    Katrina oil companies are the real looters

    September 23, 2005 By Art Perlo

    Following Katrina’s devastation, the president could crack down on the real looters by sending the National Guard to Houston and Irving, Texas, and San Ramon, Calif., the headquarters of ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, and ChevronTexaco.

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  • Is this Bushs day of reckoning?

    Is this Bushs day of reckoning?

    September 23, 2005

    NEW ORLEANS — I had never visited a city ravaged by war, but as I drove across the Mississippi Bridge into the heart of this devastated city with People’s Weekly World reporter Tim Wheeler last week,...

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  • 1970: Chicano Moratorium  2005: Latinos for Peace

    1970: Chicano Moratorium 2005: Latinos for Peace

    August 26, 2005 By Rosalío Muñoz

    Thirty-five years ago, on Aug. 29, 1970, some 25,000-30,000 people, mostly Mexican Americans, marched through the heart of the East Los Angeles barrios protesting the war in Vietnam. It was the largest Mexican American political demonstration...

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  • Ecuadorians oust president with mass protests

    Ecuadorians oust president with mass protests

    April 29, 2005

    News Analysis Ecuador, an impoverished country of 13 million people, is emerging as a major headache for the Bush administration. The people of this oil-rich nation just ousted their third president within seven years and show...

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  • Bushs hypocrisy on Cuba becomes starker

    Bushs hypocrisy on Cuba becomes starker

    April 29, 2005

    News Analysis On April 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, the UN Human Rights Commission (HRC) rejected a watered-down Cuban resolution asking the United States to let an HRC team check on the widely reported mistreatment of U.S....

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