
  • NYC job crisis worst in nation

    NYC job crisis worst in nation

    September 5, 2003

    With hundreds of thousands of jobs lost between December 2000 and June 2003, New York City has been hit by recession worse than the rest of the United States, according to a new report published by...

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  • New York public schools under attack

    New York public schools under attack

    August 29, 2003

    On Aug. 12, 2003, an editorial appeared in the titled “Reforming Special Ed.” The paper said New York Schools Chancellor Joel Klein “has done a tremendous job” in implementing school reform and that “the turnaround in...

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  • Reject Bushs attack on Medicaid

    Reject Bushs attack on Medicaid

    August 29, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    At a June 13 New York forum titled “Ending the safety net as we know it? Assessing the new federal block grant proposals,” leaders of the Community Service Society (CSS) and the Brookings Institution tackled probably...

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  • The global attack on pensions

    The global attack on pensions

    August 29, 2003 By Wadi’h Halabi

    People Before Profits Wall Street seeks it. George W. Bush is eyeing it. The managements of Bethlehem Steel and LTV have done it. Those of United and Northwest Airlines are pushing it. Japanese insurers are doing...

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  • New thinking on global warming

    New thinking on global warming

    August 22, 2003

    According to a report issued by a committee of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in 2002, severe change in the earth’s climate can take place in less than a decade. This runs counter to the...

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