


    December 2, 2005

    S. CHARLESTON, W.Va.: City says ‘bring troops home now’ Mayor Richie Robb, a Republican and decorated Vietnam veteran, sat down and wrote a three-page resolution demanding that the troops be brought out of Iraq — now....

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  • Letters


    November 18, 2005

    The ‘memory hole’ On Veteran’s Day, which is a hallowed day to honor the sacrifice of military personnel, George Bush decided to attack certain groups questioning his rush to war in Iraq. In his speech Mr....

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  • Letters


    November 11, 2005

    Whose oil? The Arctic National Wildlife Reserve contains one of the last major oil deposits in the U.S. Estimates are it has 10.6 billion barrels of oil. Projections are it will take 8 to 10 years...

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  • Editorial: Oil execs squirm

    Editorial: Oil execs squirm

    November 11, 2005

    Oil company executives testifying before a Senate committee Nov. 9 arrogantly rejected any suggestion that the federal government should act to limit their profits and provide relief for consumers. The hearing was carefully orchestrated by the...

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  • Ed Roybal Presente

    Ed Roybal Presente

    November 5, 2005

    Ed Roybal, first 20th Century Mexican American elected to the Los Angeles City Council (1949-1963) and to the House of Representatives (1963-1992) was a progressive Latino politician long before there was something called a Chicano movement....

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