Ed Roybal Presente
November 2, 2005Ed Roybal, first 20th Century Mexican American elected to the Los Angeles City Council (1949-1963) and to the House of Representatives (1963-1992) was a progressive Latino politician long before there was something called a Chicano movement....
Read moreRosa Parks American heroine
October 28, 2005Read more
October 28, 2005Investigate oil swindlers This letter was sent to our senators and our congressman: We just called for a price on #2 heating oil this morning. It was $3.09 per gallon, provided we buy 200 gallons or...
Read moreSan Diego labor stresses unity
October 28, 2005Workers’ Correspondence On Nov. 8 organized labor and its allies in San Diego will face their first significant political challenge since the landmark AFL-CIO convention last summer. What’s at stake is the future of a labor-community...
Read moreBlockade puts cruel limits on Cuba travel
October 28, 2005News Analysis Sen. Brian Dorgan (R-N.D.) had high hopes for the passage of his amendment to an appropriations bill that would have cut funding for the Treasury Department’s enforcement of the Cuba travel ban. Supporters of...
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