
  • A Cintas drivers story

    A Cintas drivers story

    April 16, 2004

    Laundry truck driver Mark Fragola may suffer from respiratory ailments the rest of his life. After two years of driving a delivery truck for Cintas Corp. in Branford, Conn., the 31-year-old father of two sought medical...

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    April 16, 2004

    ‘Right-to-work’ attacks card check A right-to-work group is challenging the legality of agreements negotiated by the United Auto Workers union with GM, Ford and Chrysler. The agreements in question allow the employees of the Big Three’s...

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  • Letters


    April 9, 2004

    Spoiler syndrome can be cured The debate about Ralph Nader as a spoiler (“Nader’s disastrous decision to run in 2004,” PWW 3/6-12) centers around the “Nader effect” in 2000. Ross Perot “spoiled” the chances of Bush...

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  • Editorials


    April 9, 2004

    The cruelest lie As fierce fighting rages in Iraq, popular agitation – in both the U.S. and Iraq – about the illegal U.S. war and occupation has reached a boiling point. One thing is clear: U.S....

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    April 9, 2004

    No security for IMF security guards The International Monetary Fund’s private security contractor, Wackenhut Corp., has suspended two employees who are leading an effort to form a union. A majority of security officers at the IMF...

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