
  • Navy closes last base in Puerto Rico

    Navy closes last base in Puerto Rico

    April 9, 2004

    On March 31 the U.S. Navy closed down the Roosevelt Roads Naval Base in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. The closing of the base, a victory for the progressive and pro-independence forces of this Caribbean nation, came after...

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  • Support Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia

    Support Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia

    April 9, 2004

    Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia is a soldier with the Florida National Guard who has served in both the Army and National Guard for over eight years. He served in Iraq from March to October 2003. He...

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  • Jobs report not so rosy

    Jobs report not so rosy

    April 9, 2004

    In Ohio, one of the presidential battleground states, the news that the economy created 308,000 new jobs last month was met with a healthy dose of working-class skepticism.

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  • Letters


    April 2, 2004

    The assassination of Letelier This letter is in response to an item in your recent editorial on the Cuban Five (PWW 3/6-12). In it you state that the Cuban exile terrorist Orlando Bosch is now a...

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  • Editorials


    April 2, 2004

    It’s about oil With gasoline prices pushing toward $2 a gallon, people are fuming mad over oil company greed. Exxon Mobil raked in an enormous $21.5 billion in profits last year. Shell reported $12.7 billion. And...

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