
  • Vietnam today

    Vietnam today

    November 27, 2003

    In October, Chicagoans Beatrice Lumpkin and her husband Frank, the chairman of the Wisconsin Steelworkers Save Our Jobs Committee, traveled to Vietnam for two weeks. Here are some of Beatrice’s travel notes. Hanoi. We learn it...

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  • Letters


    November 22, 2003

    Repeating mistakes of the past As U.S. occupation forces find themselves increasingly on the defensive, a note of desperation can be detected in the national debate over how best to respond to an increasingly tough Iraqi...

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  • Editorials


    November 22, 2003

    Georgia on our mind Want to end world terrorism? Thousands of human rights activists gathering outside Fort Benning, Ga. think the terrorist training camp there would be a good place to start. Fort Benning’s School of...

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  • Letters


    November 14, 2003

    Illuminating bus ride On a cross-town bus the other day a tired looking woman got on with her bundles and settled into an empty seat. Finding herself next to an old friend, she brightened up and...

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  • Editorials


    November 14, 2003

    Stop the ‘free trade’ highway robbery A decade ago, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was sold with promises it would create 200,000 new jobs in the U.S. in the first two years while raising...

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