
  • Alabama setback

    Alabama setback

    October 31, 2003 By Art Perlo

    Almost every state faces a severe financial crunch, with taxes and spending cuts dominating the news. In September, Alabama had a chance to vote on a real solution to its budget crisis.

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  • Grocery strike solid

    Grocery strike solid

    October 31, 2003

    VENICE, Calif. – Several hundred workers and supporters from the community turned out in front of a Ralphs Market here Oct. 18 for a rally in support of the striking grocery workers. The strike and lockout...

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  • Letters


    October 24, 2003

    More on nonpartisan elections It is important to examine the arguments for nonpartisan elections from every angle possible. Why, as some assert, would third party candidates receive more votes in nonpartisan elections? Simply because they are...

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  • Editorials


    October 24, 2003

    Women’s reproductive rights imperiled No medical dictionary contains the phrase “partial birth abortion” because it is an invention of the anti-choice machine, a lurid phrase to whip up mass hysteria against reproductive choice for women, says...

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  • L.A. grocery strike: A picket line report

    L.A. grocery strike: A picket line report

    October 24, 2003

    Workers’ Correspondence LOS ANGELES – Millions of Southern Californians have let the giant Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons grocery chains know that, despite the victory of Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger, there has been no shift to the right...

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