
  • Editorials


    October 10, 2003

    Stand up, keep fighting While it’s too soon to offer a full analysis of the recall of Calif. Gov. Gray Davis and his replacement by Arnold Schwarzenegger, some factors are fairly clear: • Anger over the...

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  • Israel attacks Syria, vows more strikes

    Israel attacks Syria, vows more strikes

    October 9, 2003

    Taking a page from the “preemptive warfare” book of the Bush administration, the Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon brazenly sent warplanes to bomb what it called a “Palestinian militant training camp” deep inside Syrian...

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  • Letters


    October 3, 2003

    Name 135th Street for Ben Davis I read your article on the centennial of the birth of Benjamin J. Davis (PWW/NM, 9/6). It made me think of Davis’ achievements, including Black History Week; anti-lynching bills; the...

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  • Editorials


    October 3, 2003

    No on recall, no on Prop. 54 Californians will go to the polls Oct. 7 and be asked whether or not Gov. Gray Davis should be recalled and, in the case of Proposition 54, whether the...

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  • Venezuela today: a trade unionist speaks out

    Venezuela today: a trade unionist speaks out

    October 2, 2003

    Pedro Eusse, the 40-year-old General Secretary of Venezuela’s United Confederation of Workers (CUTV), is a man with a mission. “For us trade unionists it is very important to meet with leaders and members of unions in...

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