
  • Editorials


    September 19, 2003

    ‘Street heat’ still key in recall fight With each passing day, the Republican effort to recall California’s Gov. Gray Davis looks and smells like the GOP’s “bloodless coup” in Florida during the 2000 presidential election. There...

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  • Letters


    September 12, 2003

    Big tobacco vs. N.Y. law The fairest thing about New York State’s smoke-free workplace law is that it treats all workplaces (and all employees) equally. No business has a perceived or real advantage or disadvantage. All...

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  • Editorials


    September 12, 2003

    Lessons from 9/11 and ‘Battle of Algiers’ Two years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the people of the world are ever more aware of the need for peace, international cooperation, economic justice, and respect for...

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  • 93,000 jobs lost in August

    93,000 jobs lost in August

    September 12, 2003

    “The day after President George W. Bush announced the U.S. economy was ‘looking up’ and proposed making most of his millionaire tax cuts permanent, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) confirmed that working families are...

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  • Israeli-Palestinian conflict explodes

    Israeli-Palestinian conflict explodes

    September 12, 2003

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is escalating to a new crisis level, with unforeseen dangers, including full-scale war, which could engulf not only Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, but the entire region as well. On Sept. 5,...

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