
  • Editorials


    September 5, 2003

    Sept. 11 – where are we headed? On the second anniversary of the Sept. 11 tragedy, it’s appropriate to look back and also to see where our country is headed. On Sept. 11, 2001, our country...

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  • Soldier likes Military Families story

    Soldier likes Military Families story

    September 5, 2003

    Sal, our soldier friend in Iraq, was encouraged when the new organization “Military Families Speak Out” (www.mfso.org) started holding public activities in Texas. He writes: Dear Jim, I forwarded information about the MFSO demo to my...

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  • Labor: a special interest?

    Labor: a special interest?

    August 29, 2003

    The labor movement today is under attack by the monopoly corporations as a greedy “special interest” bunch. The attack starts in the White House and fills every media form every day. It increases in intensity as...

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  • Letters


    August 29, 2003

    Bush recruits Saddam’s thugs Now we learn that the Bush administration plans to recruit former agents of Saddam’s internal security apparatus to help the precarious U.S. occupation defend itself against a growing Iraqi insurgency. Freedom loving...

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  • Editorials


    August 29, 2003

    It takes a fight to win On Labor Day 2003, a specter is haunting America. It is called unemployment. In July, the official unemployment level rose to 6.2 percent. This figure hides hundreds of thousands who...

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