
  • Letters


    August 8, 2003

    Hepburn’s labor solidarity The recent death of Katharine Hepburn reminded me of her solidarity with striking Box Tree Restaurant workers on Manhattan’s East 49th Street back in the 1990s. I found the following on the internet:...

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  • Editorials


    August 8, 2003

    U.S. should lead in nuclear disarmament Fifty-eight years ago this week, the United States – the only country to use nuclear weapons – dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These actions,...

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  • Verizon talks continue

    Verizon talks continue

    August 7, 2003

    As of this writing negotiations are continuing between the Communications Workers of America (CWA), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), and Verizon Communications management. Local and regional contracts covering some 78,000 telephone workers expired at midnight...

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  • Letters


    August 1, 2003

    Veterans’ health care crisis I am a grandmother who can feel the anguish of the families of young men and women sent to Iraq, although I oppose the Bush war policies and their effect on veterans....

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  • Editorials


    August 1, 2003

    Justice for Donovan Jackson A jury in Los Angeles this week failed to deliver a guilty verdict against the white police officers who brutalized Donovan Jackson, a 16-year-old Black youth, despite a videotape proving the officers’...

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