
  • Re-federalize Medicare

    Re-federalize Medicare

    August 1, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    With the spotlight on Medicare, especially as it relates to the cost of prescription drugs, now may be a good time to redirect the discussion toward real solutions to the health care crisis.

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  • Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    Philadelphians pan Bushs tax plan

    August 1, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA – Chanting protesters with colorful signs lined the streets across from the U.S. Treasury Department offices as a motorcade brought in George W. Bush for a photo-op to bring attention to his “tax credit checks,”...

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  • National Urban League: Close equality gap

    National Urban League: Close equality gap

    August 1, 2003

    PITTSBURGH – Celebrating political achievements, business success, and cultural excellence, 3,000 National Urban League (NUL) convention delegates gathered here July 26-30. Thousands of local residents submitted resumes at a job fair, attended conference sessions, received a...

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  • Music Review: A red delicious CD

    Music Review: A red delicious CD

    July 25, 2003

    Just a Few Bad Apples, George Mann and Julius Margolin, 2003, Running Scared Productions Folk music is the foundation of any people’s culture. For political activists, it is the food that is needed to keep the...

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  • Letters


    July 25, 2003

    Manifest destiny robs the poor Aristotle said that every action has a condition, a situation and a cause. Billions of people in the world are starving. The situation is that there are so many people living...

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