
  • Letters


    September 26, 2003

    No alternative but to fight Recently a story has been making the rounds about a fawning, pro-Hitler article from a 1930s British home and garden magazine. It’s shocking to realize that upper-class folks back then were...

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  • Editorials


    September 26, 2003

    Another one-term Bush? George W. Bush’s approval rating – 71 percent only six weeks ago – is now 50 percent, and headed down. The 2004 elections are only 15 months off and the drumbeat of bad...

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  • Labor mural unveiled

    Labor mural unveiled

    September 26, 2003

    BREWER, Maine – On Labor Day about 150 enthusiastic union members and supporters gathered at the Labor Temple here to dedicate a mural large enough to cover three outside walls of the headquarters building of the...

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  • First, do no harm

    First, do no harm

    September 19, 2003

    Opinion What if they gave a war and no one came? What if they (the same they, it seems) gave an execution and no doctor showed up? Maybe they would have to call off both. Hippocrates...

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  • Letters


    September 19, 2003

    ‘Road map’ still a force There were two references to the road map being “dead” in PWW of 9/13, one in the letters column and one in the news story about the intensifying Palestinian and Israeli...

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