
  • Letters


    October 17, 2003

    Venezuela and U.S. labor Having seen the brilliant video “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” a couple of months ago, I was delighted to see the recent Mark Almberg interview with Venezuelan trade unionist Pedro Eusse...

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  • Editorials


    October 17, 2003

    Bush’s Cuba ploy It must be difficult for Bush and the far right to deal with the fact that the Republican-controlled Congress just doesn’t agree with his confrontational policy towards Cuba. Last week Bush announced new...

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  • Strikes rock Bolivia

    Strikes rock Bolivia

    October 17, 2003

    Bolivia’s President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, in an increasingly desperate effort to quell the massive strikes, demonstrations and peasant roadblocks that have virtually paralyzed Bolivia for over a month, announced on Oct. 13 that he was...

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  • Freedom Ride shakes up political landscape

    Freedom Ride shakes up political landscape

    October 10, 2003

    Armed with solidarity, songs and the legacy of America’s civil rights movement, two busloads of immigrants and their African-American, white, Arab-, Asian-, and Latin-American supporters faced down dozens of Department of Homeland Security agents and their...

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  • Letters


    October 10, 2003

    Support ‘Marriage Equality’ Bush’s support of “Marriage Protection Week” is a public relations ploy developed by a right-wing coalition bent on denying same-sex couples equal legal protection under the law. These groups claim they merely wish...

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